Frequently Asked Questions
SurfGroms has been developed with your child’s safety as the priority. Every SurfGroms Delivery Partner is licensed by and affiliated to Surfing Australia, meaning they are required to follow our strict guidelines relating to operational quality and safety.
Every surf and SUP coach your child will meet through SurfGroms is an experienced and accredited Surfing Australia instructor. Instructors are also mandated to hold a surf rescue certificate and senior first aid certificate as a minimum, as well as a valid ‘working with children’ card for the State they operate within.
Surfing Australia sets a safe maximum instructor/student ratio of 1:8. However, many delivery centres choose to reduce these ratios further to ensure maximum enjoyment and success in the water.
SurfGroms adopts an approach to learning that uses group-based games to not only equip your child with the skills they need to surf and/or SUP but also to encourage their participation by having fun. Every SurfGroms lesson is designed purposefully to create a positive and supportive learning environment.
SurfGroms teaches children from 5-12 years old core skills in the ocean across five incremental skill levels, as well as fundamental ocean awareness and beach safety skills such as surf survival and rescue techniques, basic first aid skills, and about varying surf conditions at the beach.
Your child needs to be water confident to join SurfGroms. It is our expectation that your child can:
- Float unassisted
- Submerge without fear (open eyes underwater and demonstrate breath control i.e. blow bubbles underwater)
- Free movement – move around confidently in an ocean environment independently and in a group situation
All Level 1 activities are conducted in shallow water (waist depth) only. This allows those with a limited swimming ability to participate in the program, enabling them to develop their skills and confidence before moving up to the next skill level.
SurfGroms is perfectly suited to girls. In fact, in past seasons, girl participants have outweighed boys.
SurfGroms is acutely aware of many parents’ concerns about their child entering competitive sports too early. That’s why our unique approach to programming reflects and upholds CHOICE, F.U.N.N. (Functional Understanding Not Necessary) and DISCOVERY, all within a VALUED and carefully SEQUENCED environment. The focus is on participation and enjoyment, not on winning.
Competitive surfing is something that groms can graduate to individually if they choose to do so later on.
As a parent, if you wish to get involved in SurfGroms, you can become a SurfGroms Volunteer and offer to help your local delivery centre. This offers a great opportunity for you to learn more skills, share your expertise and experience with others, and spend some quality time with your children on the beach!
To register your child onto a SurfGroms program, they will need to be between 5 and 12 years of age at the start date of the program.
Visit the Find a Program page or if you need further information, fill in an enquiry at the Contact us page.